Thursday, June 24, 2010

Millennials: We're not as selfish as you think

(Preface: If you haven't read the short article at The Next Great Generation, you really should read that before this entry. It's a great read, trust me.)

You know what's great? Being called a jerk on national television.

Ok, so I was not called a jerk directly. But that was a low blow by Kathie Lee Gifford. According to her, and a University of New Hampshire study, we are selfish jerks.

Don't know what a Millennial is? Well, we're born between 1982 and 1996. We crave technology and are social media pioneers. We're glued to our phones and if we don't check our e-mail we feel disconnected. Studies show we only care about ourselves. We lack employer loyalty and will leave no stone unturned to get higher in our careers. This is just a smattering of what describes the Millennial Generation.

I admit, there are many Millennials who do feel unwarranted entitlement. I know people who think a college degree guarantees a high-paying job. They are living in a dream world. Hard work, drive and real experience allow advancement.

Being a journalist for the past four years made me work hard. I would argue I did more than many of my peers in business and science fields. I worked hard at internships, traveled all around the Chicago area to cover stories and exposed myself to different people and cultures. I learned new writing styles and equipment. I hated settling for less than perfection.

Going into the "real world," I expect to work incredibly hard. I know I will start out with a lower paying job. That does not worry me. With hard work and dedication, I will eventually advance. Personally, most of my friends feel the same way. We know we will not be handed anything. We know how hard we have to work. This seems to go against everything Millenial-haters say.

This economy changed Millennials. Three or four years ago, selfishness and narcissism might have been prevalent. Today, that will not fly. We want to work and want to do the best. We saw our older friends and family lose jobs and life savings. We know companies are doing less with more.

Millennials are passionate about causes, diversity and technology. Sure, we might want more time off than our predecessors, but it keeps us refreshed and happy in our job. A happy worker is more productive than an unhappy one.

Give Millennials a chance. We'll prove you wrong.

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